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What our customers are saying
“My seven year-old son Angus was really struggling with his reading. After working through ‘Launch Literacy’, he’s caught up to his classmates. It really is an amazing program and should be in all the schools”
Amanda K, Parent, Thornbury Melbourne
“Launch Literacy is good and helped me evolve as a learner and makes me get better as a writer every time I do it”
Xavier, 10 years old, Fawkner, Melbourne
“Our Speech Pathology clinic has used Launch Literacy Program as a therapy tool over the past 18 months. My team loves using it as the children improve quickly , preparation time is minimal and it is so versatile with the range of clients the clinic supports.
Christine Kendall, Director, Spectrum Speech Pathology Clinic, Ashwood, Melbourne
Perfectly sequenced program that addresses all the steps in early literacy. I have used it as a stand-alone program to bring groups up to Year One Literacy level. It has saved me countless hours in preparation time because it is perfect for classroom/individual and catchup/competent young learners.
Joan Bite, Special Education Teacher – 30 years+ experience
I had been trying for years to teach my 8 year old his sounds and letters. Using Launch Literacy Program, I taught him to link all letters to sounds within 6 weeks. It is so clear, structured and easy to use.
Andrew W, Parent, South East Melbourne